
YOU GUYS ARE SUPERHEROES. My essay came back so fast, I am still in shock! I am a current senior who was very anxious for application season but after receiving your guys’ help I feel so much more confident in my essay. You guys not only accommodated to my financial situation but made amazing edits. I am forever grateful for your kindness and excellent customer service.”

— Jenny (12th)

“I’m a rising senior and I submitted my Common App essay to be edited. Ad Astra was quick to respond with thoughtful comments that gave me a fresh perspective on my writing. They gave me suggestions on formatting I hadn’t previously considered and their thorough edits allowed me to clean up every line of my essay and create a better flow. I wasn’t feeling very confident in my essay topic or my writing until I worked with them, but their comments and edits helped me feel more reassured in moving my essay forward!”

— Piper (12th)

“I am a rising senior and wasn’t confident in my essay and how it would be received by others. However, Ad Astra was able to offer me in-depth revision suggestions on my essay — suggestions that would allow my essay’s message to be communicated effectively all while ensuring that my voice can still shine through. Their editing service offered the perfect balance of constructive criticism and reassurance! 10/10 experience.”

— Brianna (12th)

“I found Ad Astra’s Ask Us Anything session extremely helpful! Emmy, Amanda, and Victoria were really down to earth and gave in-depth answers– you can learn about the college app process online, but hearing tips that were tailored to my personal circumstances was informative beyond reading any College Confidential thread. I loved hearing about their experiences and definitely recommend.”

— vivian (12th)

As a junior, I loved reading the essays and creativity flowed from each of them. Each showed their personality and I loved ordering from them. Before, I was so lost and uncoordinated on what to write for my essays but after, I was relieved and inspired to write essays aligning with my personality. Their responsiveness and adaptability is impeccable and I would recommend them to anyone interested in their services.”

—I.M (11th)

“These girls are legit! Their critiques turned my essay from good to great. I am an upcoming senior in the Class of 2021, so my essay is very important to me in order to get it out of the way before school comes back. They were so thorough with their marks which made my essay shine even brighter. I would definitely use their services again!”

— Juliann (12th)

“I’m currently going into senior year and was stressing about the Common App. Luckily, I found Ad Astra on Tik Tok and had them edit my essay! They provided in depth essay editing and helpful tips. I now feel more prepared than at the start of this college journey. I highly recommend this service to anyone needing extra help with their college admissions!”

Sarah (12th)

“I’m a rising senior who was in need of help with my college essay revision. At first, I was a bit nervous to have other people read my writing, but I’m really glad I did it! The suggestions were very helpful and they used constructive criticism! They made me feel like my essay was good to begin with while suggesting things that could make it ten times better! Thank you Ad Astra!!”

— Camilla (12th)

“I am going to be a senior this upcoming school year. I submitted a supplemental essay for review, and was really happy with the edits and suggestions that I received. Not only were specific corrections suggested for my essay, but I was given some tips on strategies that I can apply to my essays moving forward.

Pranay (12th)

“I found the Ad Astra Team’s edits and comments to be extremely helpful with fluidity, conciseness, and clarity in my Personal Statement for Common App. Before their services, I felt uneasy about my topic, structure, and writing style. Now I feel reassured that I can make the revisions and turn my essay in the best version possible!”

— Sarah (12th)

“I was really worried about college essays so I reached out to the Ad Astra Team. They were extremely helpful by proving in-depth tips to improve my essay. I now feel confident in my common application essay and highly recommend this service to everyone who wants to improve their college essay!”

— Wajiha (12th)

“My advisor was super sweet and gave the best advice [in the Ask Us Anything session]! Her resumé is such a great example for others to benefit from. Now my resumé and Common App will be stellar!”

— Jennah (12th)

“I’m going to be a senior this year. The edits that were on my paper were great! I was really able to learn about what I did well, and what I need to improve upon. This service was great for helping with editing (and with a really low price, too!).”

Eric (12th)

“I’m a senior and asked for one of my supplemental essays to be edited. Ad Astra edited my essay in a short period of time and left very helpful comments that gave me a better idea of how I’m supposed to write my future essays!”

— Kaavya (12th)

“They were super helpful and fast! Got my suggestions back the next morning (sent it to them the previous night). I’m going to be a senior this year and I was super worried about my essays, but after their feedback I feel tons better about them!”

— Anna (12th)

“I’m a rising senior who has been swimming in college essay drafts until Ad Astra helped along the way. I received advice on two different Common App drafts and my advisor was incredibly helpful in guiding me with her thoughtful opinions and highly constructive criticism.”

— A.L (12th)

“I’m going to be a senior in high school and I was stressing about college essays, but I really feel like I have a better idea of where to go from here and I’m super grateful. Edits were super concise and helpful and I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth.”

— Linda (12th)

“I’m a rising senior, and am so grateful to come across this service on TikTok! I came into this experience with a small fraction of my life, and left with a story. (Also, a mini therapy session.)”

— M.N (12th)

“Thank god for Tiktok. You narrowed down the number of revised drafts I would need to do. I feel relieved, as a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don’t know how to thank you guys enough. All I can say is I’ll be back!”

— P.W (12th)

“I’m a rising senior, looking to improve my college application essay. I submitted my essay to them, and I received feedback in less than 24 hours. [My advisor] from Ad Astra was extremely helpful and gave great suggestions. I found their advice helpful and would recommend their services!”

— Erin (12th)

“I am a senior and submitted my essay for editing! [They] definitely helped me revise my essay and cleared many of the questions that I had! Thanks so much!”

— Haana (12th)

“I’m a senior right now, and I’ve had peer editing from Ad Astra on two of my essays. Both times, they’ve given detailed feedback that none of my friends or other editors could think of. Ad Astra is one of the most affordable, high-quality options for applicants right now.”

— S. (12th)

“I am currently a senior going through the writing process of college apps. Ad Astra’s review of my Common App essay was very concise and helpful! They provided such detailed suggestions and positive feedback. The turnaround time was super quick and now I’m excited to apply the edits and suggestions to my writing. Thank you Ad Astra, you helped me so much!”

– J.g (12th)

“I loved the edits that the Ad Astra team gave me. Their insights made my writing more clear, concise, and well structured. I now feel much more confident and enthusiastic than I did before in my writing.”

— M.X (12th)

“Working with Ad Astra was wonderful; they were detailed and thoughtful with every edit! Prior to utilizing their service, I felt unsure of the “level” my essays were at, wondering if I could get into the colleges I was targeting. They not only left precise wording and grammatical edits, but also big picture comments about how my essay would be looked at from an admissions officer’s point of view. With the holistic application review, they were extremely thorough! I was especially impressed with how dedicated they were in ensuring that they were doing the most to display my best qualities. My money was definitely well spent!”

— Joy (12th)

“I’m a current senior applying to several private universities and I was struggling with how I felt with my essay, so I asked Ad Astra to read it over and make any necessary edits. [My advisor] left a very insightful response! I now feel a lot more content with how my essay is written!”

— Jerica (12th)

“I am a senior in high school, and the edits [Ad Astra] gave were exactly what I needed to finish my essay! The specifics about word choice and grammar were what I needed help in.”

— Maya (12th)

“Thank you for correcting my grammar errors and making my essay more clear! I would not be able to catch those errors without your help!”

— Jimmy (12th)

“I’m a senior in high school attempting to finalize my college essays. Ad Astra helped me tremendously through correcting grammar errors, adding paragraph variation, detailing certain parts of my essay, etc. I now feel ready to submit this essay with my application!”

— Paige (12th)

“Thank you for correcting my grammar errors and making my essay more clear! I would not be able to catch those errors without your help!”

— Jimmy (12th)

“As a rising senior, I submitted my Common App essay to be edited, and Ad Astra made sure to help amplify my voice in my writing. Their edits came back fast after I submitted it, and they were all thorough and reassuring. I felt much more confident after having Ad Astra review my essay!”

— Emily (12th)

“I submitted my essay to be reviewed as a senior. I loved how specific the edits were: they made me consider things about my essay that I hadn’t thought about before and made my writing so much stronger. It wasn’t just flow/grammatical issues looked over (though they certainly did that too); it was the way my ideas were presented, what I could add to make it better, what I didn’t need, etc. Edits were done very quickly and concisely, too! Definitely repurchasing this again!!”

— F.L (12th)

“I’m currently a senior going through the hectic process of college applications. Ad Astra helped me significantly editing both my Common App Personal Statement and my UPenn supplementals. I am so grateful for all of the suggestions; they elevated my writing and overall strengthened my submissions. So glad I found them!”

-Camila (12th)

“I am a senior in high school and I had them look over my admissions essays. They left lots of feedback that helped make my essays better and it made me feel more sure about my writing knowing they’ve looked over it.”

— Katie (12th)

“[My advisor] is very helpful and gives great suggestions, as well as giving insight as to why she makes those suggestions. Would definitely recommend for college essay editing!”

— Juliana (12th)

“”The edits are very thorough and really helped me figure [how] to fix and improve my essays. I really recommend their services and I will continue to ask for their help if I need to in the future.””

— A.H (12th)

“I’m a high school senior and I was very anxious, mainly because I wasn’t sure if my essays reflected who I am. From simple grammar suggestions to content-wise comments, [my advisor’s] edits really helped me feel confident about what I wrote and provided a path to take from that point.”

— Y.L (12th)

“[My advisor] from Ad Astra gave great feedback that elevated my letter of continued interest to the next level! I’m a senior who wasn’t sure what exactly to include in my LOCI, and [My advisor] clarified all my questions!”

— Sanju (12th)

“I’ve had my fair share of going through subreddits and threads for Applying to College, but through the Ask Us Anything session with Emmy, Victoria, and Amanda, I have truly learned and absorbed critical information that can lead to success. All three were extremely helpful, and were willing to answer any questions that I had. On top of being very helpful, they also made it a very fun experience. I really felt like I had a connection with them during the session! They told me their own personal stories to success, which many upperclassmen aren’t exactly willing to share. Besides talking about their own paths and experiences, they also guide you on how you can elevate yourself and your college applications to the highest of levels. To those who are uncertain about their own path to college, I strongly suggest meeting with these three!”

Michael (10th)

“As a rising senior starting to work on my Personal Statement, Ad Astra’s essay review service was very helpful in figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of my current draft and which direction to take it in. Not only did they provide sentence-level corrections and suggestions, but they highlighted some of the strongest parts of my essay and they also wrote some big-picture suggestions at the end. Would definitely recommend this service!”

— Anonymous

It’s clear that [my advisor] got into top universities on her merit, so it was incredibly insightful to hear her own story. I never expected much from this, but I was beyond satisfied with what I received from the Ask Us Anything service. The admission process is a hazy journey; I’m glad that [my advisor] helped me through it.”

— Andrew (11th)

“Emmy, Victoria, and Amanda did an excellent job when it came to making edits on my main Common Application essay. Not only are they very qualified, but they make the edits very personal. I will definitely recommend this service to my friends who are going through the admissions process as well! I plan to re-use the Essay Editing service for several of my supplements!”

— Julia (12th)

“I got a brief personal statement review from the team. They corrected grammatical errors and gave feedback on the theme/narration of my essay. Overall, I found their advice helpful and it made me feel more confident in submitting my personal statement to colleges in the fall!”

— Shreya (12th)

“I’m a rising senior right now and Ad Astra helped a lot. I think it’s so great that they respond back so fast and go through the entire essay. They give a lot of feedback, did a great grammar check, made small improvements that would make my essay sound nice, and really boosted my self esteem with those little personalized comments. Definitely would recommend to send your essay to them!”

– A.V (12th)

“As a rising senior, I’ve started writing my Common App personal statement essay. By the time I finally finished my draft, I had overthought the essay so much that I was considering starting over from scratch! Thankfully, I discovered Ad Astra on TikTok and soon submitted my essay for feedback. The suggestions and comments were super helpful and reassuring. Thanks to Ad Astra, I now have way more confidence and direction in my essay. Would strongly recommend!”

— Anonymous

“I am a rising senior who has recently started their essay writing process. I was pretty confident in my essay but thought some extra advice wouldn’t hurt. However, after I got my feedback I was pleasantly surprised with how much I could improve my essay from the comments. 100% recommend!”

— Mia (12th)

“I am going into grade 12 and I was feeling super lost about which colleges were right for me. I met with Ad Astra [for their Building a College List service] and they gave a list super quickly of schools they felt were a good fit for me. I feel much more clear about where to go from here!

— Gabrielle (12th)

“Ad Astra is extremely knowledgeable in their field. I’m a rising senior and they helped me edit my essays for both grammar and structure. Their edits were helpful and made me a lot more confident in my writing!

Nancy (12th)

“I’m a rising senior and I sent in my Common App essay to be reviewed. Ad Astra was the best money I’ve spent in a while! I could tell that they knew what they were doing and actually took their time in reading my writing. Without their feedback, I would still be pondering on what to fix.”

— Jill (12th)

“I am a rising senior starting to write essays and Ad Astra’s editing was very thorough. They suggested taking my essay in a completely different direction which was very helpful and also left a paragraph highlighting the positives of the essay and the parts that could use some work!”

— Riya (12th)

“For only a small price, Ad Astra thoroughly reviewed my essay and provided great feedback. Although I had asked friends to edit my essay in the past, Ad Astra’s comments were much more effective, and they really helped my essay improve!”

— S.V (12th)

“I’m a junior and I found the information given in the Ask Us Anything service very useful.

— Anonymous

“I am an incoming senior and Ad Astra helped revise my Common App essay. The input I received was extremely helpful and strengthened my essay a lot. It was nice having an outside perspective objectively explain what needed work.

— Audrey (12th)

“Ad Astra’s Holistic Application Review helped me to refine my activities and awards to meet the word count while highlighting the most important aspects of each piece.”

— N.S (12th)

“I’m a rising senior in highschool who was stressing over the college process. I needed to see from an outside perspective what colleges would be good for me. My bias made my list very messy and random, so having [my advisor] help me make a list meant a lot.”

— Milena (12th)

“I’m a rising senior, and [writing] the college essay is very stressful. After your help and feedback, I felt much more confident. Thank you so much for helping me or any of us!”

— A.H (12th)

“Ad Astra was a very helpful college essay editing resource. Not only are they priced very reasonably, but they wrote comments on practically every sentence of my essay. I will definitely be using them in the future for some of my other essays!”

— Julia (12th)

“I’m a current senior and I just submitted my common app essay to be edited. Ad Astra replied in a timely manner and the interaction was extremely friendly and easy. The response and attention to details were very thorough. I wasn’t very confident in my essay but the constructive criticism was extremely uplifting and I feel like it really helped me a lot!”

— Britney (12th)

“As a senior currently feeling the full terror of college app season creeping towards my calendar, I really appreciate Ad Astra for helping to alleviate my uncertainty. Their essay edits were detailed, letting me know what did/didn’t work, and I am so relieved to have found such a high-quality service for a reasonable price. I’ll definitely recommend AdAstra to other terrorized senior friends!”

— Carol (12th)

“I’m a senior, and Ad Astra helped me with editing my college essays, supplemental essays, and helped me reword and reorder my activities/extracurriculars. I feel a lot more confident in my essays and college applications as a whole with their help. They were super nice along the process and provided really helpful edits and suggestions!”

— S.B (12th)

“As a senior in high school, the often dreaded personal statement was my biggest concern going into the college application process. At first, I was completely lost as to how to begin my essay and what to talk about. After coming up with a topic and rough draft, I knew it definitely needed some revisions, which the editors from Ad Astra helped me address. Now, I’m beyond satisfied with my essay and super excited to submit my applications!

— S.C (12th)

“Amazing! 11/10! I am a 12th grader applying to college who came to Ad Astra one day before my application was due and they STILL helped me on time. I asked for help on my activities section; it is crazy how a little tweaking of wording makes my activities so much stronger! I agree with all of their advice and they seem very knowledgeable, I would recommend.”

— Hannah (12th)

“I feel so much more confident in my essay now! I was struggling to cut out words so that I could fit the word count and they helped me with exactly that! Not only did they help me with grammar but they gave me advice on tone and flow. The best part is that they will not suggest unnecessary changes to your work just because you paid them. If they think something is good, they tell you to keep that part. Personally, I had other editors that told me to fix things just because they needed to say something for the money. THANK YOU AD ASTRA!”

-GLORIA (12th)

“I’m currently a senior applying to several colleges and ordered essay editing for my Common Application essay. My parents are immigrants and are super unfamiliar with the American college process so I felt super lost and unconfident in my college essays and general view of what admissions officers are looking for. Ad Astra not only helped me to feel more secure about my essay topic/writing but their suggestions were also so helpful and made my essay so much more concise and understandable!”

— D.C (12th)

“I’m in my senior year of high school, and I feel so lucky to have come across Ad Astra’s TikTok account when I did! They read over and edited my essay for me. Before they did, I was feeling incredibly nervous about it since the whole college application process is so confusing, but after I feel so reassured! [My advisor] was kind enough to leave a little note at the end of my essay to let me know what I was showing the admissions officers through my essay, and that it was a great essay! Lastly, they got my essay edited back to me within 2-3 days! Thank you Ad Astra!”

— Brooke (12th)

“I am a senior and Ad Astra has helped me feel much more confident in my college application process. I was extremely insecure about my essays and certain areas of my Common App, but Ad Astra strengthened those weaknesses and helped me present my best self on my application. They were once seniors too, so they totally understand your struggles and are a genuine team that wants to see you succeed!”

— Amanda (12th)

“The edits were completed in a timely fashion, with a thorough analysis of how this essay will come across to admissions readers and effective advice on how to strengthen it.”

— Souvik (12th)

“As an anxious rising senior, I was afraid of letting others read my Common Application essay because I thought it was bad, but after reading the comments/edits made by [my advisor], my confidence has risen significantly and I’m ready to turn in my applications! [My advisor] reviewed my essay in a short period of time, and provided concise feedback from both spectrums. Thanks for boosting my self esteem! I definitely recommend their essay editing services!”

— C.Q (12th)

“I am a senior in high school and I received assistance with the holistic activities service. At first, I was a bit confused on how I could summarize years of participation in activities in a few characters but Ad Astra really helped me condense everything and make it short but concise. Also, they were really easy to communicate with and any questions I had were always answered.”

— Oriana (12th)

“I’m a senior in high school and Ad Astra literally took a weight off my shoulders at an affordable price. They were fast and efficient, helping me stand out to Ivy Leagues.”

-Dequavius (12th)